The Client
The RNLI is the charity that saves lives at sea. It provides a world-leading modern emergency service, separate from the coastguard and independent from government. The RNLI relies almost entirely on donations for its funding and so its ability to demonstrate its value and keep an accurate record of the demand that drives it and the successes that proves its value is an important part of the annual reporting.
Their Challenge
The RNLI identified that there was no single reliable source of data in the UK showing all deaths as a result of drowning. As such a fundamental part of its work is based on reducing this figure, and also being one of the key recorders of such information, a project was established to pull together all the various sources of data to create a single fatalities dataset for the UK.
Our Solution
We were appointed to help develop the data analysis tool combining coroners reports, news reports, anecdotal evidence and actual data captures from the RNLI call out database and then resolving out duplicates to create a drillable, definitive and comprehensive database. No single, off-the-shelf solution was able to manage this process nor provide the reporting structure that sits behind, proving the value of investing in a bespoke data analysis solution.